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GitHub is a website and service that we hear geeks rave about all the time, yet a lot of people don’t really understand what it does. Want to know what all the GitHub hubbub is about? Read on to find out. To understand GitHub, you must first have an understanding of Git. Git is an open-source version control system that was started by Linus.

First Steps.Users.Merchants.Network. Testnet and devnetsTestnet is a fully functioning Dash blockchain with the one keyexception that because the Dash on the network can be created freely, ithas no value. This currency, known as tDASH, can be requested from afaucet to help developers test new versions of Dash, as well as testnetwork operations using identical versions of the software before theyare carried out on the mainnet. There are a few other key differences:.

Testnet operates on port 19999 (instead of 9999). Testnet addresses start with “y” instead of “X”, ADDRESSVERSION is 140(instead of 76). Testnet balances are denominated in tDASH (instead of DASH). Protocol message header bytes are 0xcee2caff (instead of 0xbf0c6bbd). Bootstrapping uses different DNS seeds:,, Launching Dash Core in testnet mode shows an orange splash screenTo start Dash Core in testnet mode, find your dash.conf file and enterthe following line.

MasternodesInstalling a masternode under testnet generally follows the same stepsas the,but with a few key differences:. You will probably be running a development version of Dash instead ofthe stable release. Seefor a list of builds, then choose the latest successful developbuild and click Artifacts to view a list of binaries.

When opening the firewall, port 19999 must be opened instead of (or inaddition to) 9999. Use this command: ufw allow 19999/tcp. Your desktop wallet must be running in testnet mode. Add the followingline to dash.conf: testnet = 1. When sending the collateral, you can get the 1000 tDASH for free froma faucet (see above).

You cannot use dashman to install development versions of Dash. Seethe link to downloadable builds above. Your masternode configuration file must also specify testnet mode.

Addthe following line when setting up dash.conf on the masternode:testnet = 1. As for mainnet masternodes, the RPC username and password must containalphanumeric characters only.

When cloning sentinel, you may need to clone the development branchusing the -b option, for example: git clone -b develop Once sentinel is installed, modify/.dashcore/sentinel/sentinel.conf, comment the mainnet line anduncomment: network=testnet. The wallet holding the masternode collateral will expect to find themasternode.conf file in /.dashcore/testnet3/masternode.confinstead of /.dashcore/masternode.conf. Testnet 0.15.0In December 2019, the Dash team announced the start of testing of theupcoming Dash 0.15.0 release. Extensive internal testing has already beendone on the 0.15.0 code, but there are numerous bugs that can only berevealed with actual use by real people. The Dash team invites anybodywho is interested to download the software and become active on testnet.This release includes:. Bitcoin 0.15 backports. Removal of legacy codeDiscussion:.

Testnet announcement:. Product brief:. Testnet tools:. Issue tracking:Latest test binaries:. Testnet 0.14.0In March 2019, the Dash team announced the start of testing of theupcoming Dash 0.14.0 release. Extensive internal testing has already beendone on the 0.14.0 code, but there are numerous bugs that can only berevealed with actual use by real people.


The Dash team invites anybodywho is interested to download the software and become active on testnet.This release includes:. LLMQ DKGs. LLMQ based ChainLocks.

LLMQ based InstantSendDiscussion:. Testnet announcement:. Product brief:. Testnet tools:.

Issue tracking:Latest test binaries:. Testnet 0.13.0In November 2018, the Dash team announced the start of testing of theupcoming Dash 0.13.0 release. Extensive internal testing has already beendone on the 0.13.0 code, but there are numerous bugs that can only berevealed with actual use by real people. The Dash team invites anybodywho is interested to download the software and become active on testnet.This release includes:. Automatic InstantSend for Simple Transactions. Deterministic Masternode List. 3 Masternode Keys: Owner, Operator and Voting.

Special Transactions. PrivateSend ImprovementsDiscussion:. Testnet announcement:. Product brief:. Testnet tools:.

Issue tracking:Latest test binaries:. Testnet 0.12.3In June 2018, the Dash team announced the start of testing of theupcoming Dash 0.12.3 release.

Extensive internal testing has already beendone on the 0.12.2 code, but there are numerous bugs that can only berevealed with actual use by real people. The Dash team invites anybodywho is interested to download the software and become active on testnet.This release includes:. Named Devnets, to help developers quickly create multiple independentdevnets.

New format of network message signatures. Governance system improvements. PrivateSend improvements.

Additional indexes cover P2PK now. Support for pruned nodes in Lite Mode. New Masternode Information DialogDiscussion:. Evolution: making sense of life download. Testnet tools:. Issue tracking:Latest test binaries:.

Testnet 0.12.2In October 2017, the Dash team announced the launch of a testnet forpublic testing of the upcoming 0.12.2 release of the Dash software.Extensive internal testing has already been done on the 0.12.2 code, butthere are numerous bugs that can only be revealed with actual use byreal people. The Dash team invites anybody who is interested to downloadthe software and become active on testnet. This release includes:. DIP0001 implementation. 10x transaction fee reduction (including InstantSend fee).

InstantSend vulnerability fix. Lots of other bug fixes and performance improvements.

Experimental BIP39/BIP44 complaint HD wallet (disabled by default, should be fully functional but there is no GUI yet)Discussion:. Testnet 12.2 discussion:.

Testnet tools:. Issue tracking:Latest successfully built develop branch binaries:. Dash Core:. Sentinel.