Italian Immigrants

Italian Immigrant Ships Passenger List. This is a compilation of Passenger Ships used by The Italian immigrant to reach new shores in an effort to make a better life for themselves and their families. I welcome any additions you may have, anyone wishing to add ships please send an e-mail with details. Italian Immigrants- This is a searchable database of thousands of Italian immigrants who entered the country between 1855 and 1900. Italian Unification - It was the Italian unification which acted as a catalyst for most of the immigration from Italy to the U.S.

Congress envisioned a white, Protestant and culturally homogeneous America when it declared in 1790 that only “free white persons, who have, or shall migrate into the United States” were eligible to become naturalized citizens. The calculus of racism underwent swift revision when waves of culturally diverse immigrants from the far corners of Europe changed the face of the country.As the historian shows in his immigrant history the surge of newcomers engendered a national panic and led Americans to adopt a more restrictive, politicized view of how whiteness was to be allocated. Journalists, politicians, social scientists and immigration officials embraced the habit, separating ostensibly white Europeans into Some were designated “whiter” — and more worthy of citizenship — than others, while some were ranked as too close to blackness to be socially redeemable. The story of how Italian immigrants went from racialized pariah status in the 19th century t in the 20th offers a window onto the alchemy through which race is constructed in the United States, and how racial hierarchies can sometimes change.Darker skinned southern Italians endured the penalties of blackness on both sides of the Atlantic.


In Italy, Northerners had long held that Southerners — particularly Sicilians — were an “uncivilized” and racially inferior people, too obviously African to be part of Europe.Racist dogma about Southern Italians found fertile soil in the United States. As the writes, the newcomers encountered waves of books, magazines and newspapers that “bombarded Americans with images of Italians as racially suspect.” They were sometimes shut out of schools, movie houses and labor unions, or consigned to church pews set aside for black people. They were described in the press as members of a criminal race and derided in the streets with epithets like “dago,” — a term of derision applied to enslaved Africans and their descendants — and more familiarly racist insults like “white nigger” and “nigger wop.”. Mulberry Street in the Little Italy section of New York around 1900.

Library of CongressThe penalties of blackness went well beyond name-calling in the apartheid South. Italians who had come to the country as were often marked as black because they accepted “black” jobs in the Louisiana sugar fields or because they chose to live among African-Americans. This left them vulnerable like the ones that hanged, shot, dismembered or burned alive of black men, women and children across the South.The federal holiday honoring the Italian explorer Christopher Columbus — celebrated on Monday — was central to the process through which Italian-Americans were fully ratified as white during the 20th century. The rationale for the holiday was steeped in myth, and allowed Italian-Americans to write a laudatory portrait of themselvesFew who march in Columbus Day parades or recount the tale of Columbus’s voyage from Europe to the New World are aware of how the holiday came about or that President proclaimed it as a one-time national celebration in 1892 — in the wake of a bloody New Orleans lynching that took the lives of 11 Italian immigrants.

The proclamation was part of a broader attempt to quiet outrage among Italian-Americans, and a diplomatic blowup over the murders that brought Italy and the United States to the brink of war.Historians have recently showed that America’s dishonorable response to this barbaric event was partly conditioned by racist stereotypes about Italians promulgated in Northern newspapers like The Times. A striking analysis by, a sociologist at Pennsylvania State University, and, a doctoral student at the University of Arizona, shows that the protests lodged by the Italian government inspired something that had failed to coalesce around the brave African-American newspaper editor and anti-lynching campaigner — a broad anti-lynching effort. Hello from heaven pdf.

A Black ‘Brute’ Lynched. The lynchings of Italians came at a time when newspapers in the South had established the gory convention of in advance — to attract large crowds — and justifying the killings by labeling the victims “brutes,” “fiends,” “ravishers,” “born criminals” or “troublesome Negroes.” Even high-minded news organizations that claimed to abhor the practice legitimized lynching by about its victims.As Mr. Seguin recently showed, many Northern newspapers were “” in justifying mob violence as their Southern counterparts. For its part, The Times made repeated use of the headline “A Brutal Negro Lynched,” presuming the victims’ guilt and branding them as congenital criminals.

Lynchings of black men in the South were often based on fabricated accusations of sexual assault. As the Equal Justice Initiative explained in its, a rape charge could occur in the absence of an actual victim and might arise from minor violations of the social code — like complimenting a white woman on her appearance or even bumping into her on the street.The Times was not owned by the family that controls it today when it dismissed as a for rightly describing rape allegations as “ that Southerners used against black men who had consensual sexual relationships with white women. The monument to David Hennessy rises above nearly all the other tombs in Metairie Cemetery in New Orleans. William Widmer for The New York TimesThat the evidence was distressingly weak was evident from the verdicts that were swiftly handed down: Of the first nine to be tried, six were acquitted; three others were granted mistrials. The leaders of the mob that then went after them advertised their plans in advance, knowing full well that the city’s elites — who coveted the businesses the Italians had built or hated the Italians for — would never seek justice for the dead. After the lynching, a grand jury investigation pronounced the killings praiseworthy, turning that inquiry into what the historian Barbara Botein describes asThe blood of the New Orleans victims was scarcely dry when The Times published a cheerleading news story — — that reveled in the bloody details. It reported that the mob had consisted “mostly of the best element” of New Orleans society.

The following day, a justified the lynching — and dehumanized the dead, with by-now-familiar racist stereotypes. Lynchers in 1891 storming the New Orleans city jail, where they killed 11 Italian-Americans accused in the fatal shooting of Chief Hennessy. Italian TribunePresident Harrison would have ignored the New Orleans carnage had the victims been black.

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But the Italian government made that impossible. It broke off diplomatic relations and demanded an indemnity that the Harrison administration paid. Harrison even called on Congress in his 1891 to protect foreign nationals — though not black Americans — from mob violence.Harrison’s Columbus Day proclamation in 1892 opened the door for Italian-Americans to write themselves into the American origin story, in a fashion that piled myth upon myth. As the historian shows in “Whom We Shall Welcome,” they rewrote history by casting Columbus as “the first immigrant” — even though he never set foot in North America and never immigrated anywhere (except possibly to Spain), and even though the United States did not exist as a nation during his 15th-century voyage. The mythologizing, ca.