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All is not whatit seems to be - read on!if you want to try and get something for nothing- then at least read what we have to say. Asexperts in this area we have a good deal ofexperience and may save you wasting your timeand your money.Best Free Maps for tomtom satnav'sPeople often ask us about where they can download free tomtom maps, for their satnav. They have a forthcoming holiday in Europe, or are going to a new area of the UK camping, travelling or touring. Theyhave found perhaps that they are driving through' fields' because theroads are not on their maps. Perhaps also they travel for work and needto locate newer postcode areas, or find locations like B&Q, Homebase,Tesco, Sainsbury, Esso, ASDA or any other major retailer.We accept that you may need some new maps, however before you startlooking all over the internet and involve yourself in a lot of time andeffort - we suggest you glance through this short and helpful article. Where can I get updates for free tomtom maps?Lets explain one thing from the start:There is nosuch thing as a 'free map'.

Creating and updating maps takes a lot ofpeople and an awful lot of time! There are just two major mapsuppliers - TeleAtlas and Navteq and they have massive teams of people working on this.Drivers on all the major roads of Europe, people at computers assembling and adding changes -its a huge industry.Here at Landis Media, we employ 5 people just to update the location and POIinformation which we supply. By the way our useful. However - maps are so much more complicated than locations. That'sbecause you have a lot of points to make up just one section of road. Why are tomtoms maps on SD cards so expensive?Maps are now extremely closely linked with satnav's that they are almostinseparable now. A few year ago - tomtom tried to make a move and takethe business 'high ground'.

In a bid to guarantee their future (in thesatnav market) they tried to buy up (for a world beating 2 billion) themain map maker - TeleAtlas. Arch rivals to tomtom - Garmin fired backwith an anti-monopoly lawsuit to derail the whole thing! Corporate waris not a nice sport and this went around the houses.

It does show thatmaps are the key component to a satnav and as such nobody - tomtom norgarmin will be giving them away.That's why its appears to be almost as expensive to update your oldsatnav maps as to buy a new satnav. Manga studio ex 5 0 2 windows keygen x force 1. Its a deliberate ploy on behalf ofsatnav manufacturers. See our comments on this development later in thisarticle. The only 'free map' is a 'stolen map'This means that the only place to get a 'free map' is to 'steal a map'.Nobody likes to think of themselves as a thief, but copying occupies a“grey area” on most peoples moral compass. They don’t for example seecopying a CD as the same as mugging an old lady for her purse!Because of this, we are divorced from the act of “theft” and that’s why“hackers” or as I like to call them – “thieves” do what is termed incriminal jargon as the “heavy lifting”. They get the maps, crack them,copy them and distribute them on the Internet – so we can all use them!Turn your tomtom into an ordinary 'house brick'!You may have heard the term 'bricking'a device or satnav?

Well it means destroying the main hardware, flashmemory or other part of an electronic device, such that it cannot berecovered., Its of course an easy thing to do - destroying hardware canbe accomplished in a number of easy ways.However when a person 'bricks” thistends to be done accidentally - normally whilst trying to upgrade, hackor unlock the device. Satnav makers like tomtom put a lot of work intocopy protecting maps and SD cards - things are not simple. Illegallyupdating tomtom maps does take practice, luck and expertise.

Ifsomething goes wrong you can wipe the whole tomtom or “brick it”. Asatnav is not like say a TV set, which can be turned on and off to resetits systems. Many a “weekend wannabee” hacker has “bricked” (i.e. Turnedthe device into little more than a house brick') a tomtom! Details of the very complicated map update processJust to illustrate what's involved we will talk you through a typical method for adding the 'free' hacked maps to a tomtom.This is not meant as a guide - you can find those on many pirate site.

This is purely to show how complex it is and what can go wrong atevery stage of the procedure. To actually update a tomtom you will need to do the following:1. Go online and find a popular pirate site and download the following: arecent Navcore, a recent map and an illegal activator program. This isharder than it appears and may end up with torrents, virus and all sortspirate site issues.2. Download the files and open them on your computer - unpackthem. At this point you hope there is no spyware or trojans (keyloggers,filesharing etc) inside.Copy the Navcore onto your tomtom (you have just voided your warranty)and reset - hoping the non standard OS makes the tomtom come on. You are now running atotally non standard system.

Copy the hacked map and hope that it works withthe Navcore you just used.3. Often you will find you have to search for another Navcore or map(they have to match) - often this stops the tomtom working and you cantturn it on (or off). There's a huge amount of fiddling at this stage.

Finally you can use theActivator (which must be run on your PC - again software from a knowncriminal and illegal hacker).4. Once completed you turn it on and hope for the best.Often you find the message 'this map has illegal attributes and cannot be usedon this device' - so back to the drawing board as you try and fixthis.

Minus of course your working tomtom, standard map., warrantyand peace of mind!During this process, which obviously takes an awful lot of your time - thingsoften do go wrong and its not a simple process, especially as its rathertechnical. Any glitches, bugs or problems you now have with the satnav you have to put up with,because you don't know if they are from the pirate software you loaded or some other reason.That's why running pirated and badly 'cooked up' software is always a bad idea.There's no recourse to any helpline and also its very hardif not impossible to turn things back to the proper tomtom system. Adobe premiere pro cc 2019 crack mac reddit.

No turning the tomtom back from hacked mapsThe conundrum is that as a consumeryou end upo in a very poor situation. Hacked tomtoms cannot be used, orrisk being used on a proper tomtom update solution. Risking your tomtomby plugging a hacked device into the standard tomtom systems isfoolhardy.We have taken hundreds of calls frompeople who have bought or used hacked maps and then ended up wiping thewhole device as well as losing everything else when they plug it in.Tomtom are not 'silly' and expend money, effort and expertise onindustry leading anti piracy measures for their satnav’s. Plug a piratedtomtom map unit into any tomtom updater, it will recognise the theft andinitiate a security wipe!

Come now aren't you being over dramatic about all this?Hackers reading this may want to say“you are being over dramatic about this”, however we disagree. They arenot the one being called up by innocent people who have fallen foul ofpirate software! This does really happen, we get called all the time bypoor people who are in trouble. It's easy for a hacker who knows hisstuff, of course he can patch systems and knows when to plug in home andwhen not to. However, the average consumer doesn’t know all this and somakes slips and ends up paying for them.Its a false economy to use anythingpirated, any short term gain will be outweighed long term with the aftereffects. At the end of the day – thieves and criminals are no friends tosociety.

Theft is not a good sound basis to operate on.In fact pirated software takes a lotof time and hassle and we think its best left to others. The reality isthat even if you manage all this - you will end up with a non standardtomtom, that cannot be updated, has no warranty and all you got is aslightly newer map!

Why you shouldn't use free map updatesTo be clear, we have no special moral argument to give to people - we just think there are lots of good practicalreasons thatusing hacked maps doesn't make sense.First: you don't get what you were after. What you want is an updated map on your tomtom. What you endup with following this route is an our of warranty, non standard tomtom, with bugs and possibly a virus and a slightly newer map isyou are lucky. If you are unlucky a wiped tomtom and nothing you can doHacked maps 'for free' online are never very up to date. Tomtom spend a lot of effort on stopping hacking and so eventhe best hackers take a long time to crack the maps. That means any map you download will already be well out of date.Second: you open your computer and satnav to a lot of risks from Trojans, virus or worse.A known criminal stops you in the street and offers 'for free' to come toyour house and make your electricity meter run backwards.Would you invite him in and then pop out to the shops for a bit - leavinghim to it?Well the above is the equivalent of what you are doing, by using known illegal software on your systems.What reason are these criminals offering the maps for free download in the first place? In fact you just hope they arenice people who are giving away free maps!

No support / No complaints - why would anyone want to use broken software?Third: The risk is that the tomtom may stop working, it will have bugs andglitches and the warranty is void.There seems to be very little to gain from doing all this and a lot can go wrong. You cannever ruse the proper system again on that tomtomor even update it legally. Its very hard to swap back to using the rightsoftware. You cannot just turn it on and off or reset it - you have totry to copy proper Navcore and maps back on - not easy to do.

Experience is a hard teacherThere are so many cases of people whodownloaded or purchased “cheap” cracked maps from eBay or other placesand these have ended up wiping their tomtoms. They don’t have anyrecourse to anyone, cannot complain and have of course broken the law byusing copied or hacked software. Tomtom are of course not sympathetic toanyone who steals from them.With a satnav what you want is a toolthat will get you from A to B and work.

You also have no idea whatfuture updates you might want to use, why throw all this away for a fewpounds saving “short term”.Further – you have no guarantee evenif you do install a hacked map, that it is what it says it is. Can youcheck every part of the map to check it is working properly? Why trustcriminals?A proper map from tomtom is reliable,checked and genuine. Our BEST ADVISE is to avoid using illegal softwareof any kind - what most people want is a system which works - not a newheadache to maintain! Helpful money saving tips for updating tomtom mapsTomtom have two main ways forsubscribers to register an email address with them for discounts. Thefirst is tomtom HOME – the older system. The second is Mytomtom thenewer system, - you need to use the one relevant to your satnav model.You also need to make sure that youtick the box which “allows them to send emails of offers and discountsto email”.

This ensures that you always get the offers that tomtomannounce and will be included the discounts on maps. Then as soon as onearrives (and if you need a new map) we suggest you take up the mapdiscount offer. The reason is simple – tomtom often have time limits onall offers and if you don’t use it, you may lose it! When are the tomtom map discounts?Spring and Summer seem to be the timeseach year that tomtom offer these discounts, keep a look out.

How do I know that I need a tomtom map upgrade?So how can I tell the map I have needsan update? Tomtom (as they make money from maps) naturally encouragethe idea that roads alter a lot, all the time and everyone should beupdating their maps as often as possible!This is linked in with the idea thathaving the latest is best and you always need to keep everything as upto date as possible. Its an interesting point and we think that a subtleshift has occurred within the electronics industry and consumers haven’tnoticed yet.


You are still in the mindset that you need the latest andmost up to date, but do you?Its true enough that ten years ago,advances were being made in electronics and computers at an amazingrate. This gave rise to a mindset amongst consumers that because ofrapid changes, they required the latest models at all times. This fedthe industry's and so features, add-ons, speeds, sizes all raced ahead.Models did need the latest softwareotherwise they would be effectively obsolete when compared to a modeljust one year later. The key was every consumer tried to buy not basedon requirements, but on spec, speed, features and updates.Interestingly we think this effectlevelled out a few years ago and so the rapid advances have slowed.Laptops are no longer all sold based on the speed of the CPU, but moreon what the user can do with them.So – the same applies to maps andupdates – are they required in the first place? If we look at theequivalent you might use what can that tell us about things?

What are the key factors at playIf you had a road atlas in your car,you wouldn’t throw it away because it was 5 years old? That’s becauseits still useful, some roads may have changed but the bulk of the Atlasis correct. It’s the same with the satnav it doesn’t stop being usefulon one day of the year. Over time more roads are altered and the satnavgoes out of date.How often should I update my SD card or tomtom maps?Our test is this: how often do youfind the map is a problem? If we see we are driving through fields (onthe satnav screen where there are no roads) and we cannot find Postcodeswe look for - then it needs updating.For most average people, doing averagedriving - an update every two years is about right.

Tomtom make a bigshow of how often the roads change each year - the secret seems to be inthe definition of the worked 'change'what do tomtom roads 'changing' actually mean?We think its unlikely that roadschange as much as 10% per year - there doesn't seem to us to be 10% moreroad sin the UK. There are no massive new road building program aroundright now.Change may mean, re-surfaced, signsand entry points alter and new roundabouts.

If that's the case - thesemay be Changes' but they don't seem to cause a problem or require a newupdated map.How often do roads really change on satnav maps?tomtom have a vested interest in convincing you that an update isrequired. Its important what the word 'change ' means here. Is a changea brand new built road?

Probably not - its more likley that a 'change'may well include altering speed limits, re-surfacing, road works.,engineering, redefinitions and so forth. In fact new roads being builtdo not amount to 10% each year.How many local roads can you think of that are new – this year? Did onetenth of your local roads get built last year – no!

That’s why we usetwo years as a sort of rule of thumb for how often maps need to beupdated.The acid test to see if your maps need updatingThe best test is of courseusability – are the maps you are using causing you problems when youdrive? Are there lots of postcodes missing? Are you driving onunmarked roads often?

Is this making it difficult to use the tomtom? If these answers are yes - then you probably need to update yourmaps.

If it’s a maybe or no – then think again! At least wait untiltomtom offer a discount!